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Capture Missed Recall Opportunities With Recall Scout.

Recall Scout 2x1

Traditionally, service advisors manually check for open recalls during appointment creation or when the vehicle arrives at the service center. This manual process often results in missed opportunities, as recalls are frequently overlooked or addressed too late in the customer journey. This missed opportunity not only affects customer safety and satisfaction but also impacts your dealership's revenue potential.

When customers aren’t informed about recalls at the time of booking, they are 50% more likely to decline the recall service when notified during their visit. This is where Recall Scout by BizzyCar steps in, offering a proactive solution to identify missed recall opportunities and enhance service department efficiency.

The Main Purpose of Recall Scout: Capturing Missed Recall Opportunities

Recall Scout is designed to help dealerships capture more recalls from missed opportunities by integrating advanced technology into the recall management process. Here’s how it works:

Advanced Appointment Scanning:

  • Scans Upcoming Service Appointments: Recall Scout automatically scans all upcoming service appointments to identify vehicles with open recalls.
  • Identifies Open Recalls: It checks for open recalls against a comprehensive database, ensuring no recall goes unnoticed.
  • Checks Parts Availability: One of the key advantages of Recall Scout is its ability to check parts availability ahead of time. If a recall is added prior to the appointment, it gives the dealership time to order any necessary parts before the customer arrives. This proactive step prevents scenarios where a customer comes in for a service, is notified of an open recall, but the parts are not available, leading to frustration and the need for a return visit.

AI-Powered Proactive Engagement:

  • Engages Customers About Recall Opportunities: Recall Scout uses AI-powered engagement to inform customers about open recalls before their scheduled service.
  • Text-First Approach: With a text-first communication strategy, Recall Scout reaches customers in a way that's both efficient and convenient. It can even reach out to people who have opted out of texting or are on do not call lists.
  • Branded as Dealership: All communications are branded with your dealership’s name, reinforcing trust and professionalism.
  • Encourages Customers to Add Recall to Upcoming Appointments: The proactive approach encourages customers to address recalls during their already scheduled service visit.
  • Works Autonomously in the Background: Recall Scout operates quietly in the background, ensuring it doesn't interfere with your existing service processes.

How Recall Scout Transforms Recall Management and Customer Experience

Managing recalls effectively is a significant challenge for many dealerships. In traditional recall management, customers are often notified about open recalls only when they arrive at the service center. This late-stage notification presents several challenges:

  • Notification Timing: Informing customers of open recalls upon arrival often catches them off guard, making it difficult for them to adjust their schedules to accommodate additional recall services.
  • Service Challenges: This lack of advanced notice can lead to logistical issues, such as an inability to accommodate extra services without adequate preparation. Furthermore, if parts are not available, the customer must return later, leading to dissatisfaction. The customer might express frustration, saying, "You knew I was coming in, why didn’t you order the part? Why do I have to come back?" This negatively impacts their experience and perception of your service.
  • Customer Perception: Last-minute notifications may also be perceived as upselling rather than addressing genuine safety concerns, which can erode customer trust.
  • Impact: As a result, 64% of customers leave the dealership without completing the necessary recall repairs, representing a significant missed opportunity.

With Recall Scout, these challenges are transformed into opportunities for better service and customer satisfaction:

  • Proactive Notification: Recall Scout informs customers of any open recalls days before their scheduled service appointments. This early notification allows customers to plan for recall services in advance, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Service Efficiency: By providing notice in advance, Recall Scout allows dealerships to order necessary parts and prepare for the service, avoiding the inconvenience of asking customers to return later.
  • Improved Experience: Customers benefit from a smoother, more transparent service experience with reduced need for repeat visits and unexpected delays, resulting in increased trust and satisfaction.
  • Impact: Dealerships using Recall Scout see increased recall completion rates and a higher average repair order amount, directly boosting service revenue and customer satisfaction.

Why Choose Recall Scout?

Opting for Recall Scout means embracing a proactive, technology-driven approach to recall management. By automating recall identification, checking parts availability, and engaging customers early, Recall Scout ensures every recall opportunity is captured, and customers are informed and prepared. This leads to better service outcomes, increased customer trust, and enhanced dealership profitability. With Recall Scout, your dealership can turn missed opportunities into completed recalls, improving both customer safety and your bottom line.


Recall Scout paired with BizzyCar's Recall Management Platform is a comprehensive solution designed to help your dealership increase recall completion rates, boost revenue, help winback lost customers and increase customer satisfaction.

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